Medisyst Laser Advanced IPL Ge...

Medisyst Laser Advanced IPL Gen 2.

  • Item no. A011
Medisyst Laser Advance IPL Gen.2

Hair Removal Laser To reveal a glowing and smooth skin as you wish
Hair Removal Laser, an effective laser treatment to permanently remove hairs and reveal a glowing and smooth skin
The matter of hairs is a worrying problem for many, especially for women who want to wear clothing that flaunts their beautiful complexion, but feel insecure because of the constantly concerned hair problem. Hairs can grow all over the body; some have much, some little, varying according to the hormone level and genetic background. We all have hairs since our birth; if we want them permanently removed, we have to know the right way to do so. Otherwise, a wrong way of removing hairs may cause problems such as more enlarged pores, rough hair growth and unsightly bumps commonly referred to as chicken skin, which make women lose confidence in themselves. An effective hair removal will provide us with a smooth skin without any annoying hairs; one is the Hair Removal Laser method. 
Reveal your beautiful skin with Hair Removal Laser
Many are bothered by the problem of undesired hairs, whether they are beard in men, hairs under the armpits or in hidden/intimate areas for women, including those having excess arm and leg hairs which are seen by many as a mess and may bring about the problem of annoying ingrown hairs. Consequently, many choose a permanent hair removal method to regain their confidence. Nowadays, a variety of hair removal methods performed with a laser machine is at your choice.
There are many ways of removing hairs from the undesired parts of the body, but the most effective and popular way, considered to provide a permanent result, is the use of hair removal laser. The laser used is capable of destroying the hair papilla, preventing new hair growth. As a result, the laser-treated area becomes softer and smoother.
Understand hairs better before permanent hair removal
Our hairs also have their lifespan. There are 3 life cycles of hairs, which are repeated as an old hair falls out and a new hair begins to grow. These 3 cycles are divided into the growth phase, the involution phase and the resting phase, to be explained as follows:
1.Anagen Phase: this is the phase of mature or fully grown hair, considered as a phase where a hair is complete. Hairs on our body in the growth phase are 80% of all hairs. Normally, each hair has an average life of about 3 years. In this Anagen Phase, hairs are nourished with blood, having a root that is ready to produce a new hair along with melanin that provides an obvious color and a bulbous form to the hair.
2.Catagen Phase:this phase is when hairs stop growing or reach the atrophy phase as they are ready to fall out. This stage from the ceased growth to the readiness to fall out takes approximately 2 weeks. At this Catagen Phase, once a hair is completely mature, it begins to fade out and the hair follicle rises to the surface.
3.Telogen Phase: this is the phase when hairs fall out of the follicle, taking approximately    1-3 months as based on the hair density of each individual.
In any cases, the hair cycles vary to each individual due to the genetic background, race, age as well as hormones, which are all important to the characteristic of hair as the aforementioned factors affect on the hair color and its thickness or fineness. Apart from the hair cycles, what the girls who are fond of hair removal should know is the characteristic of hair layers in order to correctly eliminate hairs. The hair layers are classed into the 3 following types:

  1. Outer Cuticle: it is the outermost layer of the hair, which is composed of flat hair cells overlapping to about 5-10 lavels. This layer consists of keratins, which function to strengthen the hair shaft; and it is considered as a layer protecting against dirt and pollutions that would damage our hairs.
  2. Hair Cortex: this layer is considered most important. It is composed of long and flat hair cells of many levels with thickness and an approximate weight of 90% of all hair fibers. The flexibility of hairs is dependent on the protein fibers in the hair cortex. Most importantly, for permanent hair removal, it is that in this layer, there is also melanin that is produced from the melanocyte, which results in the fact that this layer of hair influences the hair color. We can see the different natural hair color of each individual owing to this layer.
  3. Hair Medulla: this layer is the core of hair, which is less significant than the other two above.
From the hair cycles and IPL layer characteristics as above-mentioned, we can see more clearly an overview of the hair removal laser procedure. In this respect, the IPL laser machine to be chosen must be of apt wavelength in order for the laser beam to get into the hair root layer and effectively destroy melanin. As the hair removal laser is able to operate with an obvious result during the Anagen phase where hairs are growing, the laser device will transmit the laser energy to the hair root area. At the point, the hair papilla and melanin will be damaged, resulting in a thinner and softer hair with a lighter color. After that, the hair will grow less until it eventually disappears. However, after the first hair removal, an interval of 3-4 weeks or a month should be taken for the hair that has been initially destroyed to grow back. When the procedure continues monthly for more than 3 times, hairs in certain spot may no longer grow back, which may occur in some part such as for leg hairs. Beards in men may take a longer period to be eliminated than other parts as their characteristic differs.

How does the Hair Removal Laser remove hairs?
The Hair Removal Laser functions to eliminate hairs by transmitting its beam and heat energy to the hair shaft and the completely grown hair will be destroyed as the laser beam will destroy melanin and the heart from it will damage the hair root and cease its growth, followed by its spontaneous atrophy. Such laser beam will only destroy the hair root with no effect on other adjacent cells.
 For the utmost effective result of hair removal laser, you girls should prepare your skin prior to the treatment by avoiding plucking or waxing hairs on the area to remove them for about a month because plucking or waxing hairs also removes the hair root or stub, which will prevent the laser from being able to effectively destroy the hair and melanin.
The way that IPL works is also the way in which it differentiates from laser hair removal. Unlike laser, IPL emits light at multiple wavelengths (between 515 and 1,200 nanometres) that scatter within the skin. Laser, as you can guess, emits light at only one wavelength. When light is emitted from the device, it is absorbed by dark pigments (any dark pigment within the skin) and reflected by light pigments (skin). which is suitable for use in hair removal with a special filter It is a glass that filters light in each phase ( Cutoff Filter) to screen the light that will be used for treatment in each phase so that it can be fully used. Make the energy sent out It has consistent energy and is effective in providing targeted treatment. The results are clearly seen. In addition, the Advance IPL (New Generation IPL) machine has a special cooling head (Cooling) to compress before the laser, helping to reduce side effects from using the machine such as stinging and burning after the laser is applied. And most importantly, there is no pain or very little pain felt while the laser is being applied. This is different from hair removal with other laser machines such as YAG or CPL or Diode.
You can see changes in the first 1-2 times you do it. But for good results, you should continue doing it once a month, approximately 5-10 times or more. *The results may change according to each person.
In addition,The Laser Advance IPL machine can remove hair from mustaches, beards, armpits, facial hair,arms,legs,back,chest,and bikini line. Or even Brazilian hair removal.


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