Mesoskintek Therapy

Gemini Clinic


Mesoskintek Therapy 

EPM (Electroporation Microchip) is a technology that combines electroporation and microchip transdermal technology. EPM technology can penetrate the protective barrier of the cuticle to establish micro-channels, through the channels to introduce nutritions to subcutaneous tissue, penetrated to the mesoderm of skin.
Microchip Transdermal Technology
Based on Mesotherapy treatment method, this device employs microchip transdermal technology to non-invasively introduce nutritions (Hyaluronic acid, anti-aging and whitening serum, etc.) to the mesoderm of skin. Penetration Depth: Epidermal basal layer 0.1-.0.15 mm.
Electroporation Technology
Electroporation is applied on skin directly, in order to change the permeability of skin tissue, to creat temporary, reversible lipid bilateral aqueous channel, to increase the permeability of the cell membrane, to achieve desired penetration effect of the active ingredient, allowing hydrophilic molecules which can not be absorbed before to be penetrated and introduced into the cells. Penetration Depth: Dermis layer 0.3-0.8 mm.
  • Category Package / Promotion
  • Post by Admin
  • Date 21 Dec 2025
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